Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Blog #9

 Mediasphere: Online Influencers

Blog #9
I grew up with very little technology compared to other kids my age. My parents limited my television time and would push for me to play outside or do things with other friends. As I have aged, technology has grown with me and, like many others, is a big part of my life. Now, a junior in college, I see many people spending their free time watching youtube videos, spending hours on TikTok, even checking the popular users on social media apps. This is because these influencers are quite literally the biggest influences of society. 

An online influencer is anyone whoo uses their platform and following to do, push, or make certain things. Whether it be marketing for brand deals and advertising goods, or asking followers to use their voice to vote in elections, these influencers hold more power than one may think. 
The range of platforms that influencers use are endless; TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, even gaming sites like Twitch have users, typically 16-25 years old, voicing their opinions and ideas for the world to see. 

A Dangerous Job
Being a teenager is hard enough, now imagine the whole world being able to watch your every move and comment on just about everything you do. Highly followed users are experiencing constant bullying and harassment, especially due to the fact that most of these users are young, attractive people. For example, one of, is not the, most highly followed people on TikTok is Charli D'amelio experiences just about every type of hate one could imagine. I grew up in the same town as the D'amelio's, I had dance classes with these girls and family hangouts so I know first hand how much they have changed. In their most recent Hulu show, viewers watched the mental strain a 16 year old girl who just likes to dance has been experiencing. Between hateful comments about body image or anything they've done, to sexual predators trying to find sensitive information; online influencers experience potentially life-threatening things. 

Even a famous singer such as Lil Nas X has a high following on all platforms and experiences hate. As a homosexual person of color, everyone has something to say about his every move and decision. He fights the bullies and trolls with equally sarcastic remarks and tries to make light of even the darkest situations.

The Differences
There can be splits between users on social media. The gamers, the beauty gurus, the pranksters, while they all are working the same jobs, these users are treated quite differently. Women are more likely to be victims of body shaming or hyper sexualized, while men typically receive more backlash for coming out as any sexuality other than straight. Many people of color experience racism, especially with the recent election and black lives matter protests. Children are preyed on by creeps and predators. The censorship on the internet is very limited and it shows with how these people are treated.  

The Good
Now, don't get me wrong, there is a bright side to all these terrors I have mentioned. Online influencers are able to make a living for themselves doing something they love. Whether it be solely creating content, brand deals, branching off and creating their own companies, these people are building a name for themselves and allowing for many future opportunities. Many use their platform to discuss sensitive topics or to raise awareness for ongoing issues. 

In my opinion, these online influencers are very brave doing what they do. It is a very vulnerable thing putting your identity into the internet and allowing strangers to see into your lives. 

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