Wednesday, October 6, 2021

blog #12

 Class Discussion: The Corruption

Blog #12
Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldeen were a father, a son, a loved one, but most importantly; they were both an innocent man. 

I have shared in previous blog posts my view on war and how I would prefer a world without it. What happened to these men, being murder in broad daylight for holding a camera, is just another reason why I believe what the things I believe. 

In the video on WikiLeaks showing the full incident, including the commentary of the American men doing it, is not something for the weak stomachs. It is a cruel, emotionless move that has impacted many. I understand that war is almost inevitable and there will be collateral damage, however in the video, the men are almost treating it like a game. A game where innocent lives are being taken, childhoods are. being ruined, and countries are being torn to shreds. 

At the beginning of the video it shows a quote by George Orwell that says, "Political language is designed to make lies sound. truthful and murder respectable, and to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind." This is exactly where I am coming from when I speak my mind about being on the anti-war side; Americans declaring war has become just another reason to kill rather than to solve problems. In reality, it is creating more problems than it is solving. You can clearly see in the video, Saeed and Namir posed no threat and almost seemed relaxed. If the roles were reversed and this happened to American citizens, it would surely be labeled as an act of terrorism. 

Where Do We Go From Here? 
In America, we are still having constant battles regarding gun regulation laws and how fire arms should be treated. If this debate were easy, it would not still be going on. That is why i believe war will never end, no matter who dies, no matter how long it takes, it will never cease to exist. However there is always a peaceful way to solve problems, which may sound naive coming from a female in college, but we've done it before and can do it again. 
I hope the families who have lost loved ones find clarity and light again, death is. never fair, but in this case these men never stood a chance. 

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