Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Blog #8

The American Voices: War Talk

Blog #8
Now before I begin talking about the sensitive subject that is war, I should probably warn you of the bias that comes with my words. I am a 19 year old female who grew up in a quiet town of

Connecticut, I am vegetarian, an animal lover, and many of my friends tend to call me a "granola girl", which is basically the 2021 way of saying hippy. 
With that being said, you can probably guess where I stand on the topic of war. I am not a fan, I appreciate the troops whoo risk their lives in order to protect the country, however it's not the troops who I am against, it's the concept. 

When I visited antiwar.com and other websites we were given, I saw even more war related content than I would ever like to see in my lifetime. These websites are not big and popular, and my best guess as to why is due. to the fact that war is almost looked at as "nationalistic". It is the government who decide when and who we go into battle with. Imagine being an author of these websites and terrified for your safety and freedom because you don't stand with the same opinion as the government. It is important for more websites like the ones I visited to continue posting and educating Americans about what the government is doing, not only with our citizens, but with our tax dollars and how other countries are being impacted. 

I write today telling you my opinion on the war, which I am aware is the less favored in America. It is not an easy topic to discuss, nor will it ever be, but it is a topic that MUST be discussed. My right to use dissent may not. matter to anyone, but it is with great hope that even if we hold different beliefs or values, people continue to educate themselves and be open minded to all options and ideas.

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