Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Blog 9/22/2021: Privacy

 Privacy & Surrounding Problems

Blog #5

The videos we watched regarding privacy, and lack thereof, prove how closely surveyed American citizens are. I know a lot of parents nowadays use tracking apps for their children such as Find My Friends and Life360, however it is a completely different story when people are having their faces on websites unknowingly or have footage of them in places such as bars or libraries. 

My family has been affected by these problems because in 2020, some very bad people got my grandparents information, blackmailed them, and took their money. A simple thing like ordering from an unknown website or using your credit card at a gas station are just some of the ways people, like the ones that did that to my grandparents, are able to get your information and steal your identity, money, or unimaginable things. 

I am not completely against surveillance, such as to track people on probation or men or women who work in dangerous jobs like firefighters or deep-sea fishermen even. However the line can very easily be crossed when people are unknowingly tracked. One thing I think the government should do about this issue is minimize the photo surveillance. I think having some parts known and others left unknown is a good medium for both surveyed and the surveyor. As citizens, we receive warnings and have to sign user agreements before using most websites, apps, or services. Never once in my life have I read the terms and conditions before checking agree. I think in order to protect ourselves, we must begin reading these types of things rather than using something blind. 

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