Friday, September 10, 2021

Blog #3

 8 Values of Free Expression: Top Picks

When it comes to the 8 Values of Free Expression, the one that resonates most with me, personally, is the fourth; individual self-fulfillment. Freedom of speech is not something to mess around with when it comes to American citizens. 

After this most recent presidential election, we have seen a lot more people publicly voicing their opinions, no matter how unkind the words used are. Rather than shutting down every hurtful tweet or comment, these people were free to speak their opinion, regardless of how belligerent it was. The 
individual self-fulfillment encourages people to use their voice because it enables their self expression and allows more room for building self worth. 

To me, individual self-fulfillment is one of America's most unique "qualities". If you look at this country in comparison to any others, whether it be Greece, Mexico, China, what have you, you will find much more difference between the citizens here. America its known for being the "melting pot" and we continue to live by this name. With our freedom of self-fulfillment, people are more successful, happier, and live a more ideal life. 

This value of free expression also coincides with another, and I feel as though you can't have one with out having both. The value of Stable Change speaks about individuals speaking their mind are less likely to resort to violence and rage. This may seem redundant, due to the fact that almost everything in the judicial system is repeated, but it is important to note that monitoring does come into play with this. 

Whatever the case may be, a rant about someones job, angrily tweeting about a parking ticket, commenting about a sports game, no matter how big or small an incident may seem, it can be someone else's driving factor. The government is much safer when they allow people to speak their mind.  

In order to remain peaceful and orderly, American citizens really demand one thing; the opportunity to talk. We have the power to vote for presidents, the power to talk about problems going on, the power to speak on things we feel so passionately about. This power is almost like a trade between the government and the common people. In exchange for ones speech, the government is less likely to experience backlash and physical harm. 

Despite the ongoing struggle of racism and other societal issues, the diversity of America is exactly what make it "America, land of the free home of the brave." The differences between two people can not go unnoticed, which is exactly why we must be given are basic right to speak openly and freely. With the 8 values of free expression, we are putting a leash on how drastic people can go. Without this leash, citizens would probably be twisting words and bending laws in order to have them fit the scenarios.

We don't live in a world that is simply black and white; the color is what makes Earth so great. Part of the color that comes with human beings is their opinion. Without opinion and different ideas, the world would probably never have the technology and change that we have. experienced and continue to. One of America's biggest appeals and best quality's is the individuality of it's citizens. We would not have so much nationalism and energy if everyone was tied down to a certain way of life. 

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