Friday, October 1, 2021

blog #4

 EOTO: TikTok

blog #4

When my EOTO group got together to choose which technology we would research, I was actually excited that I got the app TikTok. The history, business, and impact of this app is interesting, considering it basically took over the world. TikTok was invented by an Asian tech company called ByteDance. It was created in 2016 by combing two preexisting apps; and Douyin. We've seen similar apps before, like a non discontinued Vine, but never in this format.

Part of the appeal of TikTok is the shortness of the videos. Users can record between fifteen and sixty second videos of whatever they please; lip-syncing, dancing, cooking, gaming, you name it! TikTok grew at aggressive rates; by September 2018 it surpassed Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube, and Facebook in monthly installs by more than one billion downloads. Not only is TikTok a great platform for entertainment, but it also is a method of networking. Many big creators have received brand deals with significant companies, some even go on to develop their own businesses or products. 

The Good Side

Many of the most highly followed TikTok users, such as the D'amelios and Lil Huddy have gone on to form music careers, accept invitations to prestigious events like the Met Gala or VMA's, and grow their following across all social media platforms. 

We live in a very technology based era, many children are seen with their noses in iPad screens before the age of 4. In the case of TikTok, however, this is a good thing. The app personalizes each users feed based of their likes, searches, following, etc. When the Corona Viru
s struck the United States and put citizens in lockdown, TikTok use almost skyrocketed. Between the crave for human interaction and hatred for boredom, users were creating and watching even more than typical. TikTok makes money through the ads it places, but users can also make money.

As I said before, many creators go on to expand their self brand but what most don't know is the opportunity to continue on the app while still making money. The creator fund is offered to users with a certain minimum number of followers. This means that the more views, likes and comments a post has, the more money the user will receive. 

The Bad Side

TikTok may seem like a harmless app, I mean how much damage can a bunch of 13 year olds doing dancing do? Well, you might be surprised to hear about the dark side that comes with it. TikTok has very little censorship, unless the user changes their personal settings. The cases of sexual predators and pedophiles have drastically grown as the app has earned more popularity. Users have the opportunity to adjust their privacy settings; make their accounts private, turn off comments or likes, and adjust the accounts to make them feel more comfortable. However, in all honesty, when I was 13 years old I was not thinking about scary creeps using my social media to find me. 

This danger stands true for any and all social media platforms, the same with bullies, racism, unrealistic standards, and just about anything toxic you can think of. TikTok does do a good job of attempting to pprotect their clients, however no one will ever be 100% on a social media app, especially one as popular and loved as TikTok. 

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