Wednesday, August 25, 2021

My Top 5 Sources

 My Top 5 Places To Get Information

Blog Post #1 (August 25, 2021)

    Depending on what I'm looking for, I typically go straight to my computer. The internet is a dangerous place because of all the fake news posted but I personally like having different opinions and input on certain topics. With so much going on everyday, online news outlets are a big help to those trying to stay up to date and informed. 

1. Wall Street Journal

    The WSJ website is a great way to read the newspaper without killing so many trees! The website is
easily accessible and covers many topics such as economics, life & style, books & arts, and even has an opinion part where journalist can write their own opinion pieces or specific ideas. I recommend WSJ because it has a wide variety of news and is updated constantly. WSJ does tend to be more right leaning so it is good for people with similar interests or those who want to learn more about democratic topics/views.

  People is a news platform for more celebrity related topics such as a Kardashian marriage or updates on Honey Boo Boo. It does however contain news about current events, for example it covered the California wildfires and Black Lives Matter protests. I like People because it is useful to know what other people experience and how fame and money affects humans. The website also has a page for podcasts for audience members who are more interested in listening than reading, often they'll have celebrity interviews or guests on podcasts. 

3. CNN

CNN is a good website to receive reliable information. The main reason I go to CNN is for updates on topics such as war and crisis. Lately, it has not been uncommon to see posts about the Corona Virus and Vaccine updates, which isn't surprising, however CNN is so up to date with information that it makes it more popular for those who want consistency. I recommend CNN because it basically has a post/story for almost any topic you would be looking for. 

4. Twitter

While Twitter is known to be more opinion based than fact based, I find it important to still check because other opinions matter. A lot of users utilize twitter for fun things like jokes and memes, however, especially during the most recent election, Twitter was filled with government and presidential related posts. I think Twitter is useful also because of the accessibility; anyone can make an account for free and read or share opinions and ideas. It's one of the easiest ways to know what's trending and whats going on. 

5. USA Today

    Similar to CNN and WSJ, USA Today is one of America's most well known sources for information. I also go here for news updates about current events surrounding politics and other important content. I would recommend it to my classmates and peers because they should be getting news from multiple outlets, not just left leaning or right leaning. Personally, I think it is crucial to be well read on both sides of every story. 

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